Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. John; Orthopedic

Hey Everyone!
    Wow-it's so good to be sitting at my own desk! Carrie and I have a day off before tomorrow when we start week two of Dr. Fuh Intensive. More on that later. . .
    The subject of this particular post is to update you all on another part of our scolioSIS journey-that of the Orthopedic. (dum dum dum DAAAAAH) We kept meaning to post about our visit to Dr. John, but being at Dr. Fuhs from 9 to 5 has it's limitations. ;-) SOOO this is a (not too) long anticipated post about Dr. John, orthotics, and tennis shoes. Monday morning, Caroline, my mom and I all set out to visit Dr. John. That and his address was all that we knew of him- the nurse said his last name was too long to give over the phone...?
     Sure enough, as we rode up the elevator and found a map/directory we knew exactly which Dr. John we were headed toward! Anyway, once we made our way into his little back room we all sat down and volunteered Carrie to go first! We filled out the paperwork and then proceeded to gape in horror at the orthopedic shoes while waiting for Dr. John. Seriously, I was surprised that there wasn't a little sign on the side that said "S.S. Ortho" or something of the like. Caroline and I promptly decided that we were going to die. But it would seem that was not the case. :-D
    Then, in walked Dr. John. A really nice guy, he had a great accent and way of saying "Suriously" that Carrie and I thought was absolutely awesome! But I digress. He then told me that the little (very cute, I might add) silver flats I was wearing were the absolute worst kind of shoe out there. Ouch. But I was not alone- Carrie's little sketchers were the second worst. And somehow our moms wedges were deemed "a pretty good shoe". Go figure!
     We each got a plaster of paris mold made of our feet and got to sit way up high in his moving chair--It was really fun!

He told us that we needed to get at least 2 pairs of shoes; one for outside and one for inside. They would both need to be able to support our ankle pronation and the orthotics. He said that because my ankle pronation was so severe I would need a new balance 1100 series, while he suggested the 660's for Carrie and my mom. So although they aren't exactly fashion savvy, at least we get to go shoe shopping!

After, we went to P.F. Changs for lunch. Carrie REALLY wanted the Mongolian Beef, but it only comes in a family portion size. . . .
Hope she was hungry!!

Then on Thursday, after Dr. Fuh's, we went back to Dr. Johns to pick up our orthotics and get his feedback on the shoes we had picked out. He said that the Uggs and cute tennis shoes were not sturdy enough and only aesthetically pleasing. "Yes Doc, we know they're pretty--THAT'S WHY WE GOT THEM!!" 
Really though, they are a long shot better than the Orthopedic boats we saw on Monday! Mine have some pretty blue (my favorite color) touches, while Carrie's have neon green and yellow-she's pumped!

Hope you enjoyed my lengthy and mostly fact-filled synopSIS. . .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Intensive Begins!

Hey, everybody! This is Caroline, and actually right now I'm at Dr. Fuh's office. As a family, we have decided to do the intensive program, and see/ experiment how it is, and how it would work. It is a program which lasts two weeks long, Tuesday through Saturday from ten in the morning to five or six in the evening- we'll get to know Dr. Fuh really well! ;)  As of right now we finished the first day of our intensive course, and we're just about to head home. We went through the scoliosis cycle 3 times!! We even had lunch here at the office. Today for lunch was sandwiches, but hopefully later on we can be a little more creative. ;)
A cheerful surprise this afternoon was Caitlin's church/school friend, Catherine, and her mom coming to Dr. Fuh's place! They stopped by for around an hour or so, and got to see what our treatments are like. It was really great seeing familiar faces- thank you! Also, our sister Christine came by before lunch and brought us one of the best creations of man-kind. . .krispy kreme doughnuts. :D Both Caitlin and I were very grateful! Also, Dr. Fuh's office is right above a Mediterranean restaurant, 'Helen of Troy.' We got some of their delicious humus and (don't tell) twizzlers. ;)
Well, this pretty much sums up our first day! We were the first to arrive at Dr. Fuh's office, and now we're the last to go.
Thanks for reading,