Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Overdue Review of Our Time in Alpharetta

Wow- this is so late. We apologize for the big delay, and for making you wait so long for an update!

Well, Monday morning, March 14th, my dad called the doc in charge of scoliosis bracing. Dr. Ouellette, SpineCor specialist in Georgia, informed us that we needed to get an appointment set us as soon as possible, for immediate bracing. At the time, we had just completed two weeks of intensive treatment at Dr. Fuh's, and were told our spines were 35 degrees (Caitlin) and 52 degrees (mine). I needed to see an Urgicenter physician on Monday for Strep throat, and then we left on Tuesday for a 13 hour road trip to Alpharetta, GA. 
Below is a day-by-day entry of our experiences in Alpharetta, GA~ I hope you all enjoy!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 
We're on the road for Alpharetta, GA! As a family we all get ready for a short trip to Georgia, singing silly songs and playing random games along the way. We ate dinner at a Cracker Barrel in Memphis, Tennessee, and got a cute picture of Beau being his silly self. :) After trying a couple full hotels in GA, we finally made it to one, safe and sound. Unfortunately there was no crib for Beau at the hotel, and we got to bed at around 3:30am. . . not a good combination! ;) But we were so grateful to be together, and safe- God is good!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It’s a big day today; we tour through old time Marietta, Georgia, ooh and ah over adorable boutiques, and go to a museum both Caitlin and I were excited about- the Gone with the Wind museum! {Probably Caitlin was more thrilled about going. . . More like going insane to see the place! ;)} 
Here are some pics from the museum- we loved Scarlet’s massive costumes. . . Not to mention Rhett! ;D After the exquisite museum, we had a delicious lunch in a local ‘vineyard’ restaurant; I’m not big on teas’, but their Georgia sweet tea was astounding! 

Right after the meal, it was time for our appointment with Dr. Ouellette. We reluctantly left Marietta and headed toward Alpharetta.  Dr. Brian Ouellette founded was a very well-dressed, kind man, who seemed to know a lot about what he was doing. We took some x-rays, and when those full- length pictures made it into the room, I couldn’t believe that was my spine. “This is not 52 degrees,” Dr. Brian said, measuring my x-rays with an electronic protractor. “This is more like. . . 83.” We were all in shock. To be honest, I started crying. 83 degrees?!  How could 52 degrees jump up to an 83 in literally a few days? {Since we had just finished Dr. Fuh.} My family in the room were all upset, and totally thrown off-guard. How was this drastic change possible? 
We got Caitlin’s x-rays next. Her curve had increased, too! From recent x-rays at Dr. Fuh’s, Caitlin’s curve was 35. But Dr. Brian brought other news. “35?” he said, “How did you get 35? This is 60!” Are you kidding me!? I truly don’t remember much after the news of our scoliosis progression. All I remember was just feeling like I wanted to die. Yes, a little morbid. 
After viewing the x-rays, and discussing them, both Caiti and I got fitted for the brace. Working like magic, {sort of :)} Caitlin’s brace was working. From a 60 degree curve, Caitlin {in the brace} got her curve number down to a 48! Praise the Lord!
Wellll. . . My turn didn’t go as well. {I’m such a problem child, I know! ;-)} In Dr. Brian’s office, I took a breathing test, because my high curve number could very likely effect my organs- lungs, respiratory system, etc. So I took the test- and failed. I tried and retried the test nearly 8 times, without improvement.  I did have strep at the time, so we let it slide and planned to test it after the infection was gone. After that I got into the awkward brace, {by awkward, I mean wearing unbelievably tight shorts, which have no use whatsoever in any fashionable closet!} and got my 83 degree curve down to an 81- barely any correction. On the verge of not going home in the brace, and being very likely to be going to surgery, Dr. Brian still wanted to see if the treatment in his office would help get my spine flexible, or possibly corrected enough for the brace. That very evening I did a mini treatment in his office. He took x-rays of my spine afterwards, and concluded that it would be best, necessary even, for my spine to be monitored the coming week. We have to be here next week? Yep. 
So we booked two side-by-side hotel rooms, ready to stay a whole week here in Alpharetta. That night both Caitlin and I left with SpineCor braces. We ate at a ‘California Pizza Kitchen,’ talked over what we learned, {such as posture is so important. Who knew that you’re training your muscles and spine to bend when slouching?} and we also discussed and planned out our coming week in Alpharetta. That evening was the hardest evening of our entire stay, because we had just received such discouraging news about how our curves were worse than when we started, and the brace was so new and uncomfortable.  So what a wonderful surprise it was, on this discouraging day, to walk into our hotel room and see a gigantic basket full of games and snacks from Aunt Jamie and Uncle Kevin! We felt so encouraged and loved by this extraordinary gift . . . What perfect timing! :D


1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! Thanks for the update, I am praying for you!


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~Caiti and Carrie