Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Intensive Begins!

Hey, everybody! This is Caroline, and actually right now I'm at Dr. Fuh's office. As a family, we have decided to do the intensive program, and see/ experiment how it is, and how it would work. It is a program which lasts two weeks long, Tuesday through Saturday from ten in the morning to five or six in the evening- we'll get to know Dr. Fuh really well! ;)  As of right now we finished the first day of our intensive course, and we're just about to head home. We went through the scoliosis cycle 3 times!! We even had lunch here at the office. Today for lunch was sandwiches, but hopefully later on we can be a little more creative. ;)
A cheerful surprise this afternoon was Caitlin's church/school friend, Catherine, and her mom coming to Dr. Fuh's place! They stopped by for around an hour or so, and got to see what our treatments are like. It was really great seeing familiar faces- thank you! Also, our sister Christine came by before lunch and brought us one of the best creations of man-kind. . .krispy kreme doughnuts. :D Both Caitlin and I were very grateful! Also, Dr. Fuh's office is right above a Mediterranean restaurant, 'Helen of Troy.' We got some of their delicious humus and (don't tell) twizzlers. ;)
Well, this pretty much sums up our first day! We were the first to arrive at Dr. Fuh's office, and now we're the last to go.
Thanks for reading,


  1. Hi Girls!
    I just wanted to share a verse that came to mind as I was reading your post about this next step in your healing journey. Psalm 94:17-19 "If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence. If I should say, "My foot has slipped," Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up. When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul."
    We'll be praying with you through these next few weeks.

    Stephanie Weckler

  2. Darlings~
    Your new poll is interesting however I believe it needs a fourth choice.... For all us who think Rhett Butler is neither an ax murderer or will swoon if we don't get a chance to marry him!
    :-) JK (But I'm really not voting because of that)
    Miss you Caiti.... Hope everything's going great!

  3. whoops I believe I meant nor not or


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~Caiti and Carrie