Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Praise the Lord!!

WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!! Caroline has successfully made it through the surgery...!!! Below are the contents of an email our dad sent out. Usually I'd come up with my own wording and such, but seeing as I've been up since 5 AM, my dad's words are sounding more and more perfect for this particular post.... ;-)


God was with Caroline throughout the 7 hour surgery..........and she is now in PICU..........trying to find a comfortable position.......which is impossible without serious medication!

But the great news is that she IS feeling the pain............and able to move her legs.............and that her curve progression has been halted......and she is already breathing MUCH MUCH better!!!!

Dr. Clark’s goal was to get somewhere near 50 degree correction.........and as you can see from the is much closer to 15 degrees..............OR LESS!!!

We are thrilled!!

Caroline’s rib cage is back to where it belongs.........her shoulder blades are symmetrical......her shoulders are more even......she is taller.......and I think her teeth are whiter also!!!

Thank you for your prayers and is greatly appreciated.

Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery and that the grafted fragment for the lumbar 5 vertebrae would fuse perfectly together.

Thank you God.....and thank God for friends like you!

Thank you once again for supporting Caroline throughout this time! She can still use a LOT of prayer! And as we can see by the results of her surgery-God is powerful! So keep it up Prayer Warriors!!!!
I will continue to keep you all updated!!

1 comment:

  1. PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    God is good all the time!!! Please let Carrie know she was in our prayers at church tonight and that her friends are genuinely aching for her...
    I will continue to pray!
    You are both in my thoughts and prayers,


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~Caiti and Carrie